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computer graphics artists image editing software adobe illustrator photoshop ത ത ല സ ല. Introductions - The following are introductions to articles which are informative, thoughtful, and will probably be helpful for the reader. Sometimes there is an introduction which gives background information about the topic at hand or even who the author is. Other times there is no introduction but you can assume that there must be one based on what has happened so far in the article. There is a small black horizontal line just before the introductory paragraph which can be ignored, or read. പ ഷ മ ോ േ ‌‌‌‌ ‌ ‌‍‍‍. The article text - The article text is presented in a way which is easy to follow, if you read in a linear fashion, and also labeled to highlight any important points within the article. The importance of the labels may become clear as you look through the rest of the website. Be sure to check out other areas for suggested reading materials related to particular topics which are flagged by the site administrator for this purpose. സ ല ു ു, ‌‌‌‍‍ ‌ ‌‍‍ ‌. Underlines, italics, and bolded text - Underlines are used to highlight key points in the article itself or anything that is relevant to that point. Italics are used to emphasize the importance of certain words, phrases, or sentences. Bold is used to emphasize important parts of an article which need special attention. If you see any of these three formatting marks in an article, they are usually used for emphasis on some sentence or section of text. ല ു ു, ‌‌‍ ‌ ‌‍‍ ‌.Inserts - Inserts are related to inserts. They are special formatting marks which indicate where inserted information is placed in an article. It is important when reading articles to take notice of inserts when they appear in the article text because they usually provide additional information which helps to round out the understanding of a section or add additional detail. These inserts may add yet another level of detail through example or even directly answer a question for students who would like to know more about a subject. േ േ േ‍, ‌ ‌‍‍‍ ‌.Footnotes - Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page and expand on certain parts of an article. They can bring additional background information and detail to a certain section, or just provide important information which cannot be included elsewhere in the article. Footnotes are not mandatory to read but are usually helpful. ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~. cfa1e77820

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